Home Supply Chain Four Key Areas for Mitigating Warehouse Risks

Four Key Areas for Mitigating Warehouse Risks

Worker using safety harness at work - SIPMM
Worker using safety harness at work - SIPMM
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The key risks for warehousing are fire hazards, use of material handling equipment (MHE), Dangerous Goods (DG) classes on handling and security. In terms of fire, it is not only the product that’s at risk but also the packaging materials, storage systems and building materials that add to the fire load. Other important risk areas include worker safety, material storage, the use of equipment like MHEs, electrical safety, and the storage of flammable and environmentally hazardous substances.

Warehouses and distribution centers are frequent targets of burglary, theft, and pilferage. These facilities often contain lots of new merchandise in its original packaging – something that is highly desirable to both professional and amateur thieves. It is Important to have good risk management in place for fire hazards, MHEs, DG classes on handling and security in order to manage the risks associated with general housekeeping, waste management, and health and safety.

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