Digital technology continues to drive corporations to reshape its logistics and supply chain. These companies are motivated to embrace the digital revolution, investing millions of dollars in these technologies.

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Business Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity (VUCA)
In today’s VUCA world, corporate leaders instead of focusing on competition, have to make a shift move adopting a new strategy which is creating a strategic partnership in order to be sustainable, the need for business growth and be profitable. Technology is being used as a tool for seamless and closed-loop in the supply chain, with the combinatorial effects of digital technologies, it gives internal and external insight for strategic planning and process excellence.
Business Opportunity
Companies leveraging digital technologies to deliver significant value in customer personalization and customer experience. The surge of adopting Internet and Mobile Computing for global B2B and B2C e-commerce sales has resulted in an anytime, anywhere from any device mentality and buying behavior.
According to E-consultancy and Adobe Annual Digital Trends report, customer experience came in first as the most exciting business opportunity for 2020, beating content marketing and mobile marketing. Customers would spend more for greater customer experience.
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